[eng] The increasing population in urban areas causes plenty of problems, such as environmental
degradation, resource crises, water shortages, noise pollution, traffic congestion, etc. With the
advancements in science and technology, using smart city as the solution for urban problems has
been increasingly mentioned by scholars. Meanwhile, the development trend of conceptualization
such as smart city and smart destination also drew attention of tourism practitioners. However, most
of the scholars and tourism practitioners focus on the technical and political analysis of smart
tourism, rather than considering the beneficiaries’ perceptive. Palma de Mallorca began a process to
become a smart tourism destination since the end of 2010. The aim was to improve the satisfaction
and experience of tourists and residents. In this paper, the objective is to explain the current process
and situation of smart destination in Palma by using documentary analysis. Additionally, the
research tests the major beneficiaries’ real experience and attitude toward the implementation of
smart destination initiatives by using a pilot questionnaire