[spa] En el periodo comprendido entre 1880-1900 se producen una serie de cambios sociales y culturales en Francia a partir de los cuales se evidencia la existencia de una sociedad dicotómica en la que por una parte existen cada vez más mujeres que se profesionalizan en disciplinas artísticas y musicales, mientras otras tantas quedaban todavía relegadas al ámbito doméstico. En este momento se genera una proliferación de pinturas donde se representan a mujeres interpretando el piano. En este trabajo se tratará de dar respuesta a por qué eran ellas las que se exhibían en estos cuadros y qué tratamiento recibían por parte de los pintores que decidían presentarlas en sus obras.
[eng] In the period between 1880 and 1900, a serie of social and cultural changes took place in France, which revealed the existence of a dichotomous society in which, on one hand, there were more and more women who became professional in artistic and musical disciplines, while many others were still relegated to the domestic sphere. At this time, a proliferation of paintings was generated in which the iconography of the piano was usually presented by women. This work will try to answer the reason why it was women who were exhibited in these paintings and what treatment they received from the painters who decided to present them in their works.