[spa] Al segle XVII, en el que les dones es trobaven gairebé excloses de la cultura i la societat, va viure la pintora Artemisia Gentileschi. Oblidada al llarg dels segles i recuperada pel moviment feminista a la segona meitat del segle XX, tant ella com les seves obres han estat estudiades recentment. El següent treball pretén oferir una visió dels autoretrats que van ser creats per aquesta pintora, així com observar com les vivències personals de l’artista van afectar a les seves obres. Per altra part, podem veure com diverses personalitats li van dedicar alguns retrats, la majoria a la dècada de 1620, moments en els que la seva carrera artística estava en auge. Comparant els dos grups de pintures es podria arribar a imaginar quin hauria estat l’aspecte físic de la pintora.
[eng] In the 17th Century, in which women were basically excluded from culture and society, the painter Artemisia Gentileschi lived. Forgotten over the centuries and brought back by the feminist movement in the second half of the 20th Century, both her and her works have been recently studied. The following project pretends to offer a vision of the self-portraits created by this painter, as well as to observe how the personal experiences of the artist affected her works. On the other hand, it is seen how different personalities dedicated her some portraits, most of them in the 1620’s, moments in which her career was on the rise. Comparing both groups of paintings it is be possible to imagine how Artemisia Gentileschi looked like.