[cat] Els jocs i espectacles com a manifestacions religioses, percebudes en un principi com a un regal
o un deure cap els déus, varen quedar sotmeses a l'Estat per a tenir controlat al poble romà. Ja sigui
durant la República, com a estratègia de control del poble; ja sigui com a demostració de poder dels
generals; ja sigui, en Època Imperial, com la millor maniobra per a la propaganda imperial, però
mai van perdre el seu sentit religiós. No serà fins al segle IV DC quan els emperadors abracin el
Cristianisme quan els jocs i espectacles seran secularitzats.
[eng] The games and spectacles as religious manifestations, initially perceived as a gift or a duty to the
gods, were subjected to the State in order to control the Roman people. Whether during the
Republic, as a strategy to control the people; or as a demonstration of power by the generals; or, in
the Imperial period, were seen as the best manoeuvre for imperial propaganda, they never lost their
religious meaning. It was not until the 4th century AD when the emperors embraced Christianity
that the games and spectacles were secularised.