[cat] La Setmana Santa de Palma tal i com la coneixem avui dia té els seus orígens en el Sant
Crist de la Sang i en la seva processó del Dijous Sant. Això és així des del segle XVI, encara que
poc té a veure aquesta Setmana Santa amb la que ens ha arribat als nostres dies. Al segle XIX varen
desaparèixer les antigues confraries gremials que participaven a les processons i al llarg del segle
XX se varen crear les actuals confraries penitencials. Tota la passada centúria va ser una evolució
constant de la Setmana Santa palmesana i aquesta evolució ens ha arribat fins aquestes dues
primeres dècades del segle XXI. Aquest darrers 22 anys han estat molt importants ja que s’han
seguit creant noves confraries i les preexistents han anat millorant i engrandint el seu ric patrimoni
donant a la festa un aspecte molt diferent al del segle XVI.
[eng] The Holy Week of Palma as we know it today has its origins in the Sant Crist de la Sang and
in its procession on Holy Thursday. This has been the case since the 16th century, although it has
little to do with the Holy Week that has come down to us today. In the 19th century, the old guilds
that took part in the processions disappeared and throughout the 20th century, the current
penitentiary guilds were created. The whole of the last century was a constant evolution of Easter in
Palma de Mallorca and this evolution has reached us until these first two decades of the 21st
century. The last 22 years have been very important as new guilds have continued to be created and
the pre-existing ones have been improving and enlarging their rich heritage giving the party a very
different look to the 16th century.