Register variation studies have varied the way of producing the analysis in recent years
showing different perspectives on how to consider a piece of writing or oral production. Biber
roposes a way to analyse texts which gives more reliable results
, the Multi
(MD) linguistic analysis.
This methodological approach identifies the agreeing and
disagreeing treats by means of dimensions, used to trace different degrees of formali
ty in
spoken o
r written registers. For this reason, in this
the MD approach
has been used to
illustrate th
e divergence between
the registers of both texts
, one being far more informal than
the other
Upon examination of these sources, it becomes o
bvious that the targeted audience
of both is different showing a great amount of variation in their language and structure as it
was expected by the author.
The purpose of this paper resides on tracing
analysing a selection of linguistic
and chapters. Different written registers
selected using two books from t
he eighteenth century
written by the same author, William
Godwin. One them is a narrative,
Caleb Williams,
and the other is a theoretical work,
Enquiry Concerning Po
litical Justice
This means that the present study
, by analysing
with the MD
reinforces the common belief that depending on the reader,
whether he was educated or not (
with an increasing rise of the middle
class reading public
the la
nguage varies
, therefore its register,
so it can reach its recipie