[eng] In decision-making, we face a situation where we have to decide whether it is
worth to perform an investment or not.
The Net Present Value gives as an idea of the profit that will produce our
investment over a series of time periods of a fixed time horizon. Its computation
begins with some data or variables from which we can obtain a cash flow for each
time period under consideration. This study is going to focus on the variables that
can take values in an interval of possibilities whose endpoints are its pessimistic
forecast (PF) and the optimistic one (OF).
Now, we are in front of infinite different possible forecasts, all those values
between the endpoints, and the expert in charge needs to determine which data
is more appropriate among them in order to make the final decision.
This study proposes several analytical techniques based on the use of midpoints
to select one among this infinite range. Firstly, our purpose is to show that, in
addition to the mean, there are many other options to set the aforementioned
intermediate value which allow us to get net present values that can be
considered as reasonable as forecast. Concretely, we introduce the so-called
aggregation functions as a mathematical tool for computing the mid-way forecast
and a methodology based on them for computing NPVs.
Secondly, two new methodologies are proposed. Both of them incorporate a
penalization for the elapsed time and for the discrepancy between PF and OF in
order to generate each flow involved in the computation of the NPV.
All methodologies are tested applying them to a practical example where real
data is considered and the NPV of a five-year hotel assessment is computed.